eola eola partnerships | Supporting women in sport

Championning women within sport

We spoke and gave a voice to brilliant women across the industry looking to make a positive change for our future.

Our mission is to support the activity industry, and foster the next generation of enthusiasts.

The 8th of March is International Women’s Day, and eola was delighted to host our first ever IWD event: Empowering and Celebrating Women in Sport.

During the event, industry leading speakers focused on three key pillars: enabling increased female participation in sport; educating people on how to increase that participation; and celebrating women within the industry and their incredible work.

From exploring the science behind the way in which women learn in extreme sports, to showcasing some of the most inspirational stories in the women’s sports industry, the event was a chance to hear some cutting edge research and gain insights into how we can all contribute to empowering women in sports.

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