Product update October 2022

by Daniel Steele

Reflecting on the year so far

After summer we usually take a moment to reflect and plan for the year ahead. It is safe to say 2022 has been turbulent and in light of the new and complex challenges the industry faces we have increased our investment into eola. We remain committed to building a platform that helps your businesses thrive and our industry grow. As such, we wanted to share some of what we have delivered this year and our intentions for next. 

User permissions 

At the end of 2021 you made it clear that you wanted more control over the access staff had to information on eola and this was a key focus for us in 2022. We built and launched a new permissions system that puts you in control. You easily scale your team up and down to meet demand and restrict staff access as required. 

Reporting and search 

Locating customer information and obtaining deeper insight into your business were also key requests. Over the course of the year we have added several new tables that offer insight into your products and customers. We also built and launched a quick search feature so you can locate any information in eola at speed. There are still important gaps that we need to address including customer comms and transactions. Unlocking the visibility of this data will be a core part of our planning for 2023. 

App store

One of the most challenging yet important aspects of designing eola is ensuring it is flexible enough for the hundreds of businesses that use us and their individual needs and desires. Whilst we are still at the start of this journey it is at the core of our strategy. Over the course of 2022 we have added 8 new apps to the app store. This allows you to switch functionality on or off based on what your business needs. We plan to continue to add apps so you have the ability to shape eola to your business. If you navigate to Toolsets > Apps you can see the array of different options available. 

Product catalogue  

We have expanded the range of products we support to include discount codes and memberships. This allows you to attract customers and then convert them into a loyal community that generates regular, predictable revenue. These additions create a comprehensive catalogue that now includes activities, rentals, memberships, vouchers and passes.

Key releases of 2022 

There have been hundreds of updates across the platform over the last 10 months. I have listed the key releases to be aware of below;

    •    New booking widget
    •    Memberships
    •    Discount codes
    •    Widget analytics integration 
    •    Reporting tables
    •    Quick search
    •    User permissions 
    •    Resource algorithm upgrade
    •    Card payment terminals
    •    Class pass management 
    •    Calendar filters and views
    •    Marketplace upgrade
    •    Calendar repeating notes 
    •    Widget deep links
    •    Multi language support 

Keep an eye on the Facebook community as there should be further additions before the year finishes.

Looking to 2023

Our mission and focus remains steadfast, to remove every barrier to creating, selling and running activities, classes and experiences so you are free to focus on what matters: delivering incredible life-changing moments to millions of people. To help us develop our roadmap and deliver against this mission we recently ran a survey to gather your feedback and we are currently conducting individual interviews. We have identified three key themes as we move into 2023;

Session management 

From rescheduling to managing customer information there are several key features we can improve to make a huge difference to your day-to-day. 

Connecting the online and onsite experience 

From arrival to departure, booking systems contain all the data required to make the onsite customer experience seamless. We see this as the next evolution for platforms like eola and will be exploring features aligned to this. 

Data driven marketing and operations 

In a challenging economic environment your marketing and operations are critical to customer acquisition and cost efficiency. We see several features that can help you maximise marketing ROI and further automate your day-to-day operations. 

We will share further updates as we develop our roadmap for 2023. If you have any questions or feedback please reach out to us on   

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Next article: Moving to the new widget