
Selecting a booking platform: A comprehensive guide

by Daniel Steele

Navigating the myriad of booking platforms available to businesses can be daunting. The options can often appear similar at first glance, but the nuances can have a profound impact on your business. The right platform can be a catalyst for success, while the wrong choice can result in hidden costs and inefficiencies.

Will it increase your bookings?

Any worthwhile booking platform must positively impact your revenue by increasing your bookings. The key to this is an intuitive user experience, real-time availability, and cross-device compatibility. When comparing platforms, test the user journey on mobile, tablet and desktop to check usability. Additionally, request the platform's average conversion rate for a quantitative measure of its effectiveness. This data is available to all booking platforms and they should be ready to share it. 

Will it decrease your costs?

Cost-saving is an essential consideration. Effective booking platforms should eliminate manual administrative tasks and minimise errors, such as overbooking or missing customer data. To assess this, identify your most time-consuming tasks and discuss with platform providers how their features can change these processes. You need to keep an open mind and be willing to change your ways of working to get the most out of the system. 

Will it scale with your business?

The nature of any business is to grow and evolve. A scalable booking platform should be able to accommodate this growth without adding prohibitive costs. It is important to clarify any costs associated with increasing the number of users, adding more products, or taking more bookings, to ensure that the platform can grow in step with your business.

How secure is the platform?

Security is non-negotiable. Booking platforms handle a wealth of sensitive customer data, which needs to be protected rigorously to avoid legal repercussions and reputational damage. Prioritise platforms with robust encryption measures and secure data handling processes. For a more detailed look at what security features to look for, you can refer to our separate blog post on the subject.

What are payment processing fees?

Payment processing fees are the charges that a business pays whenever customers purchase goods or services using a credit card or debit card. The fees are paid to card processors and card-issuing banks to cover the costs associated with handling the transaction. They exist because card processing is a service. Like any other service, the entities involved must be compensated for their role in the process. These fees are an unavoidable aspect of online transactions. However, they can vary significantly between platforms. It's crucial to understand how these fees are structured to ensure they align with your business model and transaction volume.


In summary, choosing a booking platform is not merely an operational decision but a strategic one. The right platform can significantly enhance bookings, reduce costs, and provide the scalability required for business growth. These factors together contribute to your long-term financial success and competitive edge. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to make an informed, beneficial choice for your business.

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Next article: Booking platform fees: What you need to know