Tips & Tricks

How and why to push vouchers right now

by Daniel Steele

During these unprecedented times, when our entire industry is heavily affected by the current lockdowns and quarantines, we need to get creative in new ways. One way to keep a revenue stream going, while helping people to stay hopeful and engaged, is through voucher sales. 

Why would anyone want to buy a voucher now you wonder? Here's a few reasons worth using in your external messaging.

person on computer

1. Especially now, when locked down at home with very limited options to spend time outdoors, people need something to look forward to. The act of actually buying a voucher and having something tangible and specific to dream about can be a great relief for many. 

person looking out of a window in a city

2. Not only are people on lockdown in their homes, many are also separated from their family, friends, and loved ones that they do not share a household with. Another point worth pushing is therefore to buy a voucher for someone they care about. They can then enjoy planning it together, and look forward to it together throughout the tough times ahead.

person looking out of a window with binoculars

3. We do not know how long this lockdown and quarantine situation will last, but during this time there will be many missed birthdays and celebrations. Not only do people miss being able to spend time with the ones they care about, even buying a gift online is difficult with the severe strain on the delivery industry. Buying an activity voucher would not only be a practical and safe option, it would also gift someone something to look forward to, which is a wonderful gift in itself. 

happy people in a group outdoors

4. Additionally, now is the time to reach out to your loyal customers to ask for their support. Not only would they gift themselves or someone they care about something lovely to look forward to, they would also help support their local activity centre. 

If you do not already sell vouchers, we would highly recommend making them available. You can also easily add this on via the eola platform and start sharing them out on your social media accounts, on your blog and on your site.

For the eola marketing team, one of our main focuses right now is to promote vouchers using inspirational content across our socials and blog. We have vastly expanded the technical capability of our marketplace to maximise their visibility, and made it easier for people to search for voucher specific offers. If you haven't already, we would recommend turning on the voucher offers available on the eola marketplace so you'll be part of being featured and promoted too. 

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