Navigation Fundamentals - Child

  • mountaineering

  • 7 hrs

  • Up to 8 people
  • house-outline

    Way of the Wild

  • pin


  • ticket-price
    / child
  • Have fun learning the basics of navigation whilst exploring the beautiful Galloway Forest Park.


    Based around the beautiful Galloway Forest Park. A practical and fun navigation course aimed at giving you the navigation skills you need to get out exploring the tracks and trails of the UK. Aimed at beginners wanting to start self-guided walks, the beginner navigation course offers a full introduction to navigation.

    -Learn to navigate with map & compass

    -Build hill-walking confidence

    -Use a compass to set the map and check the direction of travel

    -Choose appropriate navigation strategies

    -Learn effective relocation techniques

    -Learn about sustainability and reducing your impact on the natural environment


    The course delivery will mainly take place outdoors, so please come prepared with the suggested kit mentioned in the equipment list.

    Fitness level

    Ideally, participants would have done some basic walking previously and have a reasonable level of fitness. You can expect to be out walking for between 4-6 hours.

    Minimum Age

    10 years old. (Anyone aged 17 or under must be accompanied by a paying legal guardian)


    Way of the Wild has full public liability insurance, but the advice is for you to take out your own personal accident/cancellation insurance. If you already have insurance cover, check that it covers you for the activity you are undertaking.

    Covid 19

    As we navigate our way out of the COVID-19 pandemic, managing COVID-19 transmission is everyone’s responsibility. The safety of all candidates and our staff are paramount. Please be aware that everyone has different comfort levels due to the pandemic and what you now may be comfortable with others may still be wary.

    You must be willing to comply with the measures outlined here to ensure that we manage, as far as is reasonable, the potential transmission of Covid-19. Failure to do this may result in being removed from the course.

    We are all responsible for ensuring that we limit the spread of the virus.

    As national guidance changes, we will review information regarding the measures and we will continually review our practices relating to course delivery and this guidance is subject to change at short notice.


    -Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or has a positive LFT, or has been in contact with anyone with symptoms within 14 days of your programme starting will not be allowed to attend and should self-isolate in line with Government advice.

    -Participants who display symptoms of COVID-19 during the course will be asked to leave.

    -Where possible please supply your own hand sanitiser and personal care/first aid kit

    -A personal care/first aid kit to treat minor issues with verbal support from directing staff, minimising need for close contact.

    -Supply your own face covering unless exempt, a Buff will suffice.

    -To maintain a social distance from staff and other participants. A 2m distance should be maintained wherever possible from other participants and staff. Where this is not possible, the 1m+ rule should be observed and face coverings to be used.

    -Finally, if you have any concerns in relation to coronavirus then please raise these with Way of the Wild at the earliest opportunity.

    What to bring


    The following list is a suggestion of what you should bring with you. Please ask your course provider if you have any queries about any of these items:

    Comfortable walking clothing – personal base layers and trousers (not jeans)

    Waterproof jacket with hood

    Waterproof trousers (separate to your walking trousers)

    Spare warm/fleece jacket

    Walking boots

    Comfortable walking socks

    Warm hat and gloves or sun hat and sun screen (weather dependent)

    Vacuum flask for hot drink and/or re-usable water bottle

    Personal first aid kit and personal medication

    Compass - recommend a Silva Type 4

    1:25 000 scale map of advised area: OS Explorer 319 - Galloway Forest Park South

    Head torch + spare batteries (in autumn/winter most likely)

    Day walk rucksack Approximately 30 litres

    Packed lunch and snacks


    Notebook and pen

    I would suggest that even if it is warm you wear a cool long sleeve top and trousers, this is due to the risk of ticks in the area and horseflies are prevalent at certain times of the year.


    Course introductions

    1. Provider and tutor
    2. Participants and relevant experience
    3. What do participants want to gain from the course?
    4. Navigation - a brief history
    5. The D's of Navigation
    6. Weather – What is ‘mountain weather’ and how does it affect us? Where can we find suitable forecast information? How does weather affect our navigation planning? What’s the weather doing today?
    7. Essential skills for safety, planning, and kit selection
    8. Map reading – Looking at different sorts of maps and how to read the details? Comparing maps to the real world and vice versa. Looking at scale and distance and how maps are useful for planning. How to use a compass to work out which direction to walk in.
    9. Developing effective compass skills
    10. Contour Interpretation
    11. Review of the day


Online bookings by eola