
eola Style Guide 2025: Item


The Item component is used on all activities, rentals, memberships, cart and overview.


Item Card - Home

<Item card as="a">
  <CoverImage src={imageUrl} overlay />
    <H5>Item title</H5>
    <Icon name="arrow-right" size={24} />

Item Card - Home - slim version

<Item card as="a" variant="slimCard">
  <CoverImage src={imageUrl} overlay />
    <H5>Item title</H5> 
   <Icon name="card-arrow" size={24} />

Item Card - List Schedulables

<Item card as="a">
  <CoverImage src={imageUrl} />
      <Pin icon="kayak">
        <Price pence="1000" currency="gbp" />
        <PriceText> / person</PriceText>
    <H5>Schedulable Name</H5>
    <Text color="secondary">Description of item. A two day package that includes a day of training prior to undertaking the Pre Entry Assessment</Text>

Item Simple - Used as wrapper to hold text or other contents

    <H5>Important Information</H5>
      <p>Description of item. A two day package that includes a day of training prior to undertaking the Pre Entry Assessment</p>
      <p>Description of item. A two day package that includes a day of training prior to undertaking the Pre Entry Assessment</p>
      <p>Description of item. A two day package that includes a day of training prior to undertaking the Pre Entry Assessment</p>


<ItemText thumbnailSrc={imageUrl}>
  <ItemTextTop pence={100} currency="gbp" Actions={() => (
        onClick={() => {
          alert('Run some action')
        Some action
    <Pin icon="kayak">Category</Pin>
    Item title
  <Text color="secondary">
    Description of item. A two day package that includes a day of training prior to undertaking the Pre Entry Assessment


<ItemBreakdownLine icon="box" text="5x Lunch at the park" RightContent={() => (
  <Text as="div" color="secondary">
    <Price pence={5000} currency="gbp" />
)} />