Chartered the boat for a whole day, had a totally unreasonable wish list, and ticked everything off!! Started the day snorkelling with seals off Lands End, then we went 8 miles off shore, saw a Minke Whale and hundreds ...
Simon Avery
há 8 meses
Great value for money! We paid £40 each for 2 hours and trust me 2 hours are definitely enough. We were lucky enough to see plenty of Dolphins and some seals. The trip took us far out to sea and back along the coast.
há 8 meses
Great value for money! We paid £40 each for 2 hours and trust me 2 hours are definitely enough. We were lucky enough to see plenty of Dolphins and some seals. The trip took us far out to sea and back along the coast.
Franz Streubel
há 8 meses
What a fantastic tour Andy took us on! Definitely an adventure seeing the seals (one even came very close to the boat a few times) and birds. He knew so much about everything we saw and pointed out things and birds we ...
Lisa Cornish
há 2 anos
Ver knowledgeable skipper, who had an affinity to find the dolphins. Great to see nature up close but also know when to leave alone. A beautiful morning ride, in fantastic Cornish scenery. Well worth it.