Launch your own equipment and Open Water Swimming Membership 2025

  • Membership
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    Llandegfedd Visitor & Activity Centre

  • Informações importantes

    Memberships offer unlimited launch your own equipment and open water swimming sessions which are bookable on our website. The Activity Centre will be open from 1st March - 31st October, 7 days a week. Open Water Swimming will run from 30th April - 26th September. Opening times may vary through the season, please see our website for more information. An individual membership covers 1 person. A family membership covers 2 adults and 3 children. Please note that water activity starts on 1st March and stops on 31st October 2025. Please do not purchase the membership before 1st February as it will expire before 31st October. If you purchase a membership that expires after 31st October 2025, you will not be entitled to a refund for unused days.

  • Benefícios

    Nenhuma cobrança para reservas em 3 produtos.

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