Tiny Tots

  • skiing

  • 45 min

  • Até 9 pessoas
  • house-outline

    North Wales Snowsports Club

  • pin

    Llandudno, GB

  • ticket-price
    £ 19,00
    / child
  • Descrição

    Tots Sessions: these are aimed at younger wanna be skiers, to simply come and have a go, and develope onto our improver sessions in due course.

    These sessions will be isolated to the beginner slope only, up until the point the coach will advise or recommend their next steps.

    Minimum Requirements

    These sessions are primarily, but not exclusively (varied age siblings are welcome), aimed at kids under 8 years of age. There is no absolute minimum age requirement, the minimum size equipment we have available will be the determining factor (kids sizes approx 7 or 8 and above, ski length 80/90cm). Please bare in mind that boot sizes may be approximate rather than exact dependent on what there is available and demand.

    Please Note: the booking price reflects the non member rates, you will need to have joined and logged in to the bookin system, for it to then automatically adjust to the reduced club rates.

    NB. You can book up to an hour before the session, but if there are insufficient bookings up to 24 hours prior, the session may need to be cancelled for the club to not incur any last minute cancellation charges.



    Visit our website for more information on the NWSC https://northwalessnowsports.co.uk,

    Further Enquiries

    If you wish to contact us to make further enquiries, then enquire at one of our sessions, or you can do so via our Facebook page - North Wales Snowsports Club | Facebook


    Annual Membership begins on the 1st Oct each year.

    Full membership of the North Wales Snowsports Club is not a requirement to participate in these sessions, the standard rate includes the temporary membership required. However becoming a full member does entitle you to significant reductions on all regular NWSC sessions, and the general use of the Llandudno slope outside of the clubs session times. If you are not a current member or wish to renew, then you can find out more and join via the link on here https://www.northwalessnowsports.co.uk/join-the-club


    Parents of any children under the age of 16 are expected to remain at the centre, within easy reach of the slope or make suitable arrangements, in case they are required.

    The supervising coach will reserve the right to ask participants to leave the slope should their ability not be up to the required standard, and/or potentially be at imminent risk of harming themselves or others.

    O que levar

    You can bring your own ski or snowboard gear if preferred, or you can use the hire equipment from the Llandudno centre, included in the price.

    You must bring (your own) gloves, and wet weather gear is advised in case of rain. Bare in mind there are also sprinklers on the slope to consider.

    Helmets are required for these sessions.


    The session will include helping the kids get familiar with the equipment, and moving around on the slope, sliding and introducing basic skills etc, inc games and activities.


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