Grab a rod and get hooked!
Coarse fishing can at times be prolific and leans more towards natural Irish venue style fishing rather than a welsh venue! Large shoals of Roach/Bream hybrids and Bream attract anglers from all over the UK seeking this style of fishing. There are also Roach and Perch present. Natural venues are on the up within coarse fishing and at Llandegfedd we have seen a significant rise in the discipline.
Methods commonly used to target the large shoals are feeder fishing and long range slider float. Llandegfedd is relatively untapped for coarse fishing and has already shown its potential where with the right condition bags of over 300lb of Bream and 50lb + bags of hybrids can be had. It’s a large venue and it’s advisable as in any coarse fishing venue to follow the wind direction as in coloured waters fish can come in very close looking for food. Barrow/trolley for gear is highly recommended as often long walks maybe the order of the day to fish the best spots.
In addition to the coarse fish, the lake is stocked with rainbow trout and a small head of wild brown trout are also present. Llandegfedd is also well known for its large pike.
Please note children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. A child can fish for free alongside a paying adult, Please select the child add on when booking.
Llandegfedd Reservoir
Fly Fishing Terms and Conditions
Environmental agency fishing license required.
· Anglers must stay out of prohibited fishing areas as described by the ranger during briefing.
· All anglers must check in with a member of the ranger/water sports team before fishing.
· Fly fishing for trout only.
· Safety advice: appropriate head and eye wear to worn.
· No wading above waist height.
· Please do not exceed your fishing ticket limit, checks by the ranger team will be undertaken. When fishing catch and release, please use barbless or crushed barb hooks.
Fishing Boat Rules and Guidance
· Buoyancy aids to be always worn correctly – zipped up, buckled and straps tightened fully.
· Kill cords to be mandatorily worn around operators’ leg when operating the engine.
· No standing on boats whilst in transit.
· No jumping off boats into water at any time.
· No smoking or consumption of alcohol/nonprescriptive drugs at any time on the water.
· Fishing boats are to give way to other water users except for safety boats.
· 50m minimum clearance from other water users/vessels wherever possible.
· 50m minimum clearance from banks wherever possible.
· Exclusion zones are to be adhered to as outlined during safety brief.
· Caution is required when pouring fuel to ensure minimum overspill. If fuel is overspilled, report to rangers.
· If an incident occurs, wave arms/oar in the air to raise the alarm if a safety boat is visible. Otherwise contact the phone number provided in the boat. Whistles are fitted to buoyancy aids if required to further raise the alarm.
· If you fall into the water. Stay calm, blow your whistle attached to your buoyancy aid to raise the alarm and keep hold of the boat to stay afloat.
Contact number: 0330 0413 381
Staff at Llandegfedd strive to prepare and have boats ready for departure at 9am.
Access to the pontoon will not be permitted without a buoyancy aid or life jacket. If you wish to use your own life jacket/buoyancy aid this must be must be EN 393 compliant. Before using boats, please familiarise yourself with the fishing boat rules and guidance sheet. Also familiarise yourself with the basic boat engine workings and techniques.
Please seek any advice needed from a member of the ranger team at Llandegfedd.