Descend into the biggest Abseil in the Lake District!
Cathedral Abseil (The big one!)This is the big abseil, and the crown jewel of the Little Langdale area!
We will meet at the Hodge Close car park, around 1.5km from Cathedral Quarry and we will make our way on foot through the picturesque forest.
On arrival we will first teach you everything you need to know, and allow you to ease into the activity on the small abseil before we abseil the big one!
The BIG Abseil is 50 metres high and decends into the very centre of the famous cathedral quarry. Once we are all safely descended we head underground, through a pitch black 100 metre tunnel, exiting into the daylight and making our way back to our start point.
Your expert instructor will make sure that you are safe and happy throughout this activity. Our highly trained and qualified instructors have you safe on a backup rope throughout your abseiling experiences, meaning that you are 100% safe.
Suitable for: Age 14+
Fitness Level: Moderate
Duration: 3-4 hrs
Location: Meet at Hodge Close Car Park
Facilities: None
Price : £60
All children (under 18) must be accompanied by a responsible adult.