Kids Sail Club Intermediate (Stage 2 +)

  • sailing

  • 2 hrs

  • Up to 8 people
  • house-outline

    Rye Watersports

  • pin

    East Sussex, GB

  • ticket-price
    / child
  • Kids Sail Club (Intermediate Stage 2 +)

    1. Every Wednesday during school holidays
    2. £35.00 per session including hire and coaching
    3. For children who have completed RYA Stage 2 or above


    You must have completed RYA Stage 2 or above to book this sailing club

    What to bring

    What to bring:

    Bring Swimwear and a towel, warm clothes, snacks and drinks if required, and any medication you may need e.g.inhalers.

    We will provide you with all the equipment you need for your session including comfortable wetsuits and PFDs to keep you warm and safe.


    This instructor led session allows kids to work on sailing more independently in between the RYA stages, or just for some fun monitored time on the water.


Online bookings by eola