Thank you for booking your Kayaking birthday party with us, Here are a few points to consider prior to your party.
- Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the party.
- Parking is in the main Hadleigh Park car park, Charges may apply so check this on arrival.
- All participants must be able to swim, non swimmers will not be permitted so please ensure you check this before arrival.
- Its worth bringing a towel, spare clothes and old suitable footwear, i.e. old trainers. Just bear in mind this is a water based activity, and you are likely to get wet.
- Maximum of 10 children per party. We do not allow anymore for insurance purposes, so please do not ask the staff.
- Time on the kayak and on the reservoir is 50 mins as it takes further time for the safety briefing and fitting of life jackets.
- You are welcome to bring a picnic for your party, there are plenty of places to picnic at the park. Alternatively The hub Café can arrange party food boxes and you should liaise directly with them.
- Once your party has ended, we ask you to vacate the reservoir area as quickly as possible.
- We do not teach kayaking, we are a pay and play activity and do not provide any form of coaching.
- As this is a water based activity, you as the lead booker will have signed the disclaimer, as the lead booker, we would expect you to have taken necessary steps to have agreed parental consents from third parties.
- We ask for 1 parent to be on a kayak during the party.
- Finally, we want you to have fun, and we ask that all participants respect the rules laid out at the briefing.